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Bouncing Effect (2010)

Developed during my residency with MIKS dance theater in London in collaboration withAnaïs Bouts, Ida Uvaas, Sara Lindström, Christian Ubl, Marie-Louise Stentebjerg and Nicholas Quinn and with original music by Marcos Baggiani. It´s been performed as a part of the project [FEVER] at the Laban Theater and Croydon Clock Tower in London and is programed for January 28th 2010 at Arena Theatre in Wolverhampton, UK.


At Bouncing Effec, the constant bouncing action directs desicions towards a colective dialogue. Bouncing is a constant and underalying yes, here, now, me, which through repetition and projection develope multiple layers of dialogue guiving place to a dance of many in form, rythm and thought.


Performed in is full version at  Festival Buenos Aires DanzaContemporánea 

Ocober 11th 2010,  ESPACIO ECLÉCTICO, Buenos Aires


This time with performers Lucía Fernández Moujan, Laura Tabachnik y Marina Sarmiento (Ligado) and Luciano Botelho, Maria Cloenes, Rosângela Sulidade, Wenderson Godoy (Compañía Hibridus de Brasil)


Bouncing solo was performed at:

Vernissage: 5. Dezember 2009, 19:30 Uhr 6. Dezember 2009, 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr. At CoachingCulture Gallery / Alte Kindl-Brauerei Werbellinstraße 50 / Neukölln.

Organized by Neukölln Import 

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