valeria primost
- Octubre 25 y 26 , 12/14/16 hrs - Labyrinth en Plaza Serrano, Buenos Aires
- October 11th, 18.00 - EFECTO REBOTE. at FESTIVAL BUENOS AIRES DANZA CONTEMPORANEA. Espacio Ecléctico, Buenos Aires.
- September 30st. SCREENING Public Body / Trilogy II / THE BACK SIDE, at Festival El Cruce , Teatro El Cairo, Rosario - Santa Fe,
- September 8th and 12th SCREENING Public Body / Trilogy II / THE BACK SIDE, at Festival Internacional de Video Danza VideoDanzaBa. Microcine del Centro Cultural Recoleta , Buenos Aires
- September 11th. Formato Living, music and dance performance at Fiesta Sintomática. Buenos Aires.
- July 9 to 11th. SCREENING Public Body / Trilogy II / THE BACK SIDE, at Home Sweet Home Festival, Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin
- June 25 until 27 SCREENING Public Body / Trilogy II / StoneMe, at “ 48 Stunden Neukölln” Festival. Nekarstrasse 5 - 12053, Nekölln - Berlin.
11 June 2010 - [FEVER] with MIKS at RichMix, London
8 June 2010 - [FEVER] with MIKS at Arc Theatre, Stockton on Tees
April 12 - The Meeting Point Lab at Schwelle7, Berlin. Curator: Valeria Primost. Dance: Malin Astner, Alessio Castellacci and Valeria Primost. Music: Butz Freytag (didgereedoo), Roland Sattwerwite (violin), Tobias Delius (tenor saxohphone and clarinet). LIGHTS: Catalina Fernandez
April 4th - Freistil performance at Tanz Fabrik, Berlin with Susanne Martin. 18.00
March 6th to 16th - Akiyoshidai Arts Village, shared exhibition with resident artists. Akiyoshidai, Japan
February 13th - AIAV open studio. with Daisuke Terauchi and Tamaho Miyake. Akiyoshidai , Japan.
Februay 6th - performing with Yuki Takenouchi (IPPO), Hiroko Ikeda, Nana Mitsui, Takanori Shinohara, Mayuko Yashik. Musicians: Tamaho Miyake, Daisuke Terauchi, Light: Yasutoshi Hashimoto. 18.30 at Chu-Ongaku-Shitsu (middle music room) at Asterl Plaza, Hiroshima -Japan
January 16th - Imaichi Studio duet with Richi Owaki, Yamaguchi - Japan.