valeria primost
December 5 - BounceMe at Neukölln Import International Arts Exhibition Berlin.Vernissage: 5. Dezember 2009, 19:30 Uhr 6. Dezember 2009, 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr. At CoachingCulture Gallery / Alte Kindl-Brauerei Werbellinstraße 50 / Neukölln.
September 28th - November 12th - Resident artist with MIKS, London. FEVER
performance dates FEVER:
November 11th and 12th: Laban Theatre
November 19th: Croydon Clocktower
January 28th 2010: Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton
October 24th - The Meeting Point Under the Roof, Milano.
June 7th - 18.00 : The body in transition by Danza Nomade - Freistil, Tanzfabrik - Berlin. with Valeria Primost and Constanza Herrera
June 4 - 16.00 and 21.00 - Domestic Making with Q Hisashi Shibata at Heinz-Minki, Berlin. / /
May 21st - 20.00 : music and dance MEETING - Studio Loos - Den Haag. withMakiko Ito and Valeria Primost: dance / Michael Fischer: sax, violin / Marcos Baggiani: drums/ Anne van Balen: lights
May 20st - 20.00 : music and dance MEETING - Trytone Zaal100 - Amsterdam. with Makiko Ito and Valeria Primost: dance / Michael Fischer: sax, violin / Marcos Baggiani: drums / Anne van Balen: lights
May 16th: Höre Ich Tanz! - do I hear dance!. with Bridge Markland - dance and Paul Brody - Trumpet. interactive dance and music improvisation for the opening of the new market in Neukölln FMarket-Church at Herrfurthplatz Berlin Neukölln
February 27 , 20.00 We You They by Tian Zhiming - China Moves Fabrik Potsdam, Berlin
January 4th at 18.00 SIMPLE DUET by Lucky Dreamers with Valeria Primost and Butz Freytag at Freistil , Tanz Fabrik, Berlin.